Saturday, December 16, 2006

Have You Ever...

Along the same lines of that 150 item post a while back, here's another one... one that I thunk up all by meself. And no, not everything on the list is stuff I've done.

1. Used real snow to make/eat a snow cone
2. Slept in you car while parked at the side of the road
3. Didn't go to bed until 4 in the morning on New Year's Day
4. Dyed an Easter egg, using all the colors available
5. Catch a scent on the air that reminded you of something from your childhood
6. Taken a picture of the sky because it was a remarkable shade of blue that day

7. Caught a fish and cleaned it yourself, then cooked it for dinner
8. Wished you bought two pairs of your favorite shoes
9. Made a list like this

10. Taken art lessons
11. Taken ballet lessons
12. Driven a really scary stretch of road
13. Read a book from cover to cover in one sitting
14. Written a letter to your Congressman
15. Changed political parties

16. Made a boat yourself, and sailed in it
17. Worn mismatched shoes by accident
18. Been so happy you wanted to burst into song
19. Watched Barney, as an adult, without becoming annoyed
20. Thought you could walk to Sesame Street
21. Invented something
22. Came up with a new recipe
23. Snorkeled or dived a coral reef
24. Been in a shark cage
25. Been told that a character in a Nora Roberts book reminded a friend of you
26. Howled in the car with your kids
27. Loved someone so much your heart hurt
28. Painted a house

29. Painted a picture in the style of a famous painter
30. Seen the Mona Lisa
31. Seen the Hope Diamond

32. Been the president of the PTA
33. Sat on Santa's an adult
34. Lost your spouse
35. Driven a race car
36. Eaten fried okra
37. Climbed Mt. Everest
38. Seen Mt. Rushmore
39. Saved a baby bird that had fallen from its nest
40. Tried a food you always thought was gross and discovered you loved it
41. Been to Hawaii
42. Been to Africa
42. Had an "old-time" picture taken with your family, your friends or alone
43. Made good friends via the Internet

44. Met a movie star
45. Seen the Queen of England in person
46. Indulged in a tinsel fight while decorating the Christmas tree
47. Attended a family reunion
48. Couldn't turn out the lights for the night after reading a Stephen King novel

49. Gone on a cruise
50. Can you remember where you where the day the Challenger exploded?


Robin Bayne said...

Great list : )

Jessica Raymond said...

I've done my list, Laura.

Jess x

Laura Hamby said...

Thanks, Ladies. :)