Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Writer ADD

My poor blog is going to wither up and die of neglect. I don't feed it. I don't water it. I visit it about once a month. Good thing it's not a dog or a cat.

A Day in the Life involves school bus imitations, errands, writing, child rearing, trying/pretending to keep up with the house...Never ending. Once you think you've accomplished something, chances are, it's time to start all over again. The laundry, for example, doesn't have the common courtesy to stay DONE. Neither do the dishes. The carpet rarely stays freshly vacuumed pristine and we won't even discuss dust and the resultant dustbunnies. All I have to say on the dustbunny situation is someone needs to invent dustbunny condoms---SOON!---so the little buggers stop multiplying and colonizing my cave. Yes, it's a cave. Anything that needs cleaned as frequently as my house qualifies for cave status. I blame the children and the dogs for that frequently cleaned thing I have going on here.

So...what's the whatty? I convinced Madame Lash (the Muse one of my writing friends replaced, so the displaced Madame Lash came to reside with me for a spell) that I don't hafta do ANYTHING right if I don't wanna. She departed in a snit. (Pausing to wave buh-bye...bye! Bye now! Toodles! Nuttin' but lurve for ya!)... Happy to be rid of Madame Lash, I settled in to work on that trilogy idea of mine. That lasted for maybe a week. It's back to percolating status. Why? Because an historical western popped into my braincell and took up residence. Refused to leave. Fine by me, I happen to LOVE historical westerns. Too bad the publishing industry doesn't seem to like them anymore. Again. Fine by me. I'm just overjoyed to be writing and sometimes, it's a good thing to write for yourself FIRST. Yeah, the ultimate goal is publication...but every now and again, being selfish about it and writing for the sheer joy of it, rather than the commercial aspect of it is refreshing and fun.

I'm perfectly okay with the fact I seem to have Writer's ADD. Don't need a cure, but chocolate is always welcome. I thought perhaps making a list of the symptoms of Writer's ADD would be beneficial, so here goes.

Writer's ADD

If you have the desire to work on one specific WIP, but find yourself ignoring it favor for whatever new idea just popped in your head...

If you...Oh! Look! A squirrel!

If you troll the internet looking for pictures of your characters, for that new idea you just had...

If you...Oh! Gee, if we want to eat tonight, I have to find something to thaw, which requires I clean out the freezer, might as well do the fridge while I'm here...

If you talk about your goals in terms of, "I should be..."

If you...Oh! Why yes, I'd love to meet you for breakfast at IHOP in 10 minutes...

If you find yourself playing games on Facebook and tell yourself the idea is percolating...

If you...Oh! Look! It's raining, I need to cover the BBQ, bring in the laundry off the line, go roll up the car windows, run naked down the middle of the street...

If you triple check all your writing loops, looking for someone to "Come out and play..."

If you...Oh! I bought the new book by (INSERT NAME OF FAVORITE AUTHOR HERE) and this is the PERFECT time to read it while all the kids are at school and the hubster's at work...

If you resemble any of those above remarks, you may be suffering from Writer's ADD. There's no cure, just take 2 chocolates and call me in the morning.


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