Monday, December 05, 2011

Christmas Tree, USA

On this fine wintery night, Chad and Melissa Taylor share dinner with their 2 young children, Mindy and Mark. The house was built around the turn of the 20th century, after the original Taylor home, built by Chad's several times great-grandfather at the founding of the town. This cozy cottage  is the first home you'll see if you drive over to what the citizens of Christmas Tree humorously call the Taylor Compound. Several homes are nestled back in the trees. A close family, the Taylors are down to just two branches now, down from seven.

You'll find kids playing in the trees, snow forts built and defended, entire snowfamilies line the fences. The coffee is always hot, and there's always a cookie to be found, along with good company, good cheer and many hugs freely given.

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