Saturday, September 30, 2006

Playing on the Web

So, what have I been busy doing lately? Not writing. Well, not much. Mostly, I've been running around making new websites. Why? Why not?

Guess what I'm posting here today?

Yep, all my new sites. I found loads of new places to play. Go see, and come back and tell me what you think.

Laura's Squidoo Sites: Chocoholic Romance Novelist on Squidoo; My By Grace Novels on Squidoo; My Moonlit Romance Novels on Squidoo.

Read and Write with Laura Hamby: This site is hosted on a site with a really neat concept: the interactive website. Right now, I have it set up so only people I know can comment, but once I've stopped playing with getting it set up, I may see if I can change that to allow more people to comment on the site.

Laura Hamby ~~~ Romance, Passion and Laughter: I'm using this site as a "Spotlight" site. I have a page devoted to each of my publishers, where I'll put a title from my backlist. I'll be adding bits of trivia for each novel that's spotlighted. I also have a "Sneak Peaks" page, and a "Surfing" page with linkies. I'm not quite through with this site or the Read and Write site, so please pardon the dust.

One last site, and it's for Unique Enterprises, the parent company of By Grace Publishing and Moonlit Romance. It's a Squidoo page, and it's devoted exclusively to writing contests. The By Grace/Moonlit/Unique Enterprises contests are FREE. Currently, there's one contest posted, but there will be 2 more very soon. Unique Enterprises Squidoo Contest Page.

Thank you allowing me to indulge in this commercial break. It's brought to you by CHOCOLATE! GGG

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