Thursday, October 11, 2007

Spooky Express... Climb Aboard for the Mystery Tour

Leg One of the Mystery Tour is about to commence. Ya'll get comfortable and pay attention now, hear? There will be several stops along the way as the Express makes its way to its ultimate destination. It's up to you to guess our destination every day for the next several days (A 5-Day Mystery Tour: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.)

Clues to our 1st Stop...

1. Our first stop is approximately 2230 miles away.
2. We won't be in the US any longer.
3. It's an old, haunted lighthouse.
4. The lighthouse was deactivated in 1961.
5. Said to be haunted by a lighthouse keeper who held the position for 29 years.
6. The keeper's last name is Thompson and he died in 1879.
7. The original wooden lighthouse burned down July 18, 1856.
8. A new lighthouse was built by October 18, 1858.

Can you guess what our first stop is? Post your guess as a comment. I'll check periodically throughout the day. The answer will be revealed tomorrow. Sooner if someone figures it out based on the clues I've given.


Laura Hamby said...

No guesses? Everybody break their google or what? ;)

Denise Patrick said...

OK, I'll play.

Burlington Bay Main Lighthouse: Ontario

Laura Hamby said...

Bingo, Denise. Well done. I'll post a link for it tomorrow.


Grace Tyler said...

I looked at your blog! I just didn't play. Too busy today.

Wanted you to know I stopped by though.