Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Heh. I'm doing this backwards, I think. Shoulda put the blurb up yesterday and the excerpt today. Oh well. Whatcha gonna do? *Shrugging.* Release week is always a fun week at Moonlit Romance. :D

The Pendant: Maeve
by Laura Hamby

One gorgeous, antique pendant; two people who are looking for each other, but just don't know it. Yet.

When Maeve Redmond purchases the unique opal and emerald pendant, she has no idea it is charmed. She's not looking for romance at the moment, not with auditions for the upcoming Pirates of Penance production looming.

Gun-shy Cullen MacNiall can't fight his attraction to Maeve, even though he's sworn off women after a former girlfriend wanted to drag him into matrimony.

But the Pendant has special plans for Maeve and Cullen, despite a broken nose, a poison ivy rash, and the return of Cullen's matrimonial-minded ex-girlfriend. All they have to do is listen to their hearts.

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