Friend and fellow author Robin Bayne, with whom I shared bookcover space a couple years ago before my little e-publisher closed doors, PM'd me on Facebook. She said she had a PDF copy of Christmas Grace, what did I think of putting it up on Author's Den?
A trick question, I'm sure.
I answered, "Go for it."
She did and notified me when it went live.
So, now one of my favorite novellas---possibly my personal favorite among all I've written, is now available again in time for Christmas! Suitable, since it's a Christmas-themed duet. I couldn't be more thrilled to have my novella, which shares the name of the duet anthology, Christmas Grace, and Robin's wonderful The Scent of Falling Snow available again.
Now, it must be said, this is a reprint, it's not NEW. It's not a full length novel, it's 2 novellas, so two short stories inside. Robin is an extremely talented author, a real pleasure to work with and know, but don't take my word for it. Long and Short Romance Reviews reviewed both our novellas way back in 2007, and had THIS to say.
Here is a synopsis (back cover blurb) for both Christmas Grace and The Scent of Falling Snow:
Christmas Grace by Laura Hamby
Hannah Kelsey, now orphaned by the War Between the States, awaits patiently for news of her one, surviving brother. A life that has been anything but easy is made more complicated by the Yankee solder she finds lying in front of her cabin a few days before the Christmas of 1864.
The Scent of Falling Snow by Robin Bayne
Aideen O'Conner felt a certain twinge when Rob Novak walked into her dance studio. Was it because she thought he didn't take her seriously, or because she was afraid he would?
When Rob visits his daughter's step-dancing teacher, he makes it clear he doesn't consider the activitiy a challenge. The real challange comes when he learns the teacher's secret.
To purchase your own copy of the Christmas Grace duet, please follow this link: PURCHASE! Again, let me state that this is not a new work by either Robin or myself, but a reprint of two stories we love.
I'll leave you with one little tidbit about Christmas Grace. It's dedicated to all my family's dearly departed and regrettably, I need to add my last living Grandma, an Uncle and the husband of a very dear friend, Valerie Parv. Grandma and Uncle John are deeply missed, especially at this time of year. I believe that Valerie's dear husband sent me a message from beyond, at a time I despaired about our move back to the left coast, worried I'd have to live in a tiny apartment for the rest of my life since we were having no luck finding a home to buy. The song Happy Talk, from the musical South Pacific, one of Paul's all time favorites, popped into my head, very insistently too. When I told Valerie about it, we cried and decided it was him. I'd never met him, but Valerie means the world to me, so because of this, Paul should be included in the dedication.
The novellas of Christmas Grace are stories of hope, miracles and seasonal magic. I couldn't be more pleased this duet is available again and hope it brings joy and happiness to your Christmas season.
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