...Gonna catch a good 'un...
I'm not afraid...
What's that up ahead?
A plot hole.
Can't go over it...
Can't go under it...
Can't go around it...
Gotta go through it.
Goin' on a Muse Hunt
Gonna catch a good 'un...
I'm not afraid...
What's that up ahead?
A sagging middle.
Can't go over it...
Can't go under it...
Can't go around it...
Gotta go through it.
Goin' on a Muse Hunt
Gonna catch a good 'un...
I'm not afraid...
What's that up ahead?
A flat character.
Can't go over it...
Can't go under it...
Can't go around it...
Gotta go through it.
Goin' on a Muse Hunt
Gonna catch a good 'un...
I'm not afraid...
What's that up ahead?
Wooden dialogue.
Can't go over it...
Can't go under it...
Can't go around it...
Gotta go through it.
Goin' on a Muse Hunt
Gonna catch a good 'un...
I'm not afraid...
What's that up ahead?
A rejection letter.
Can't go over it...
Can't go under it...
Can't go around it...
Gotta go through it.
Goin' on a Muse Hunt
Gonna catch a good 'un...
I'm not afraid...
What's that up ahead?
A brick wall.
Can't go over it...
Can't go under it...
Can't go around it...
Gotta go through it.
Goin' on a Muse Hunt
Gonna catch a good 'un...
I'm not afraid...
Okay, enough with the campfire songs. Next thing you know, I'll be roasting a marshmallow over my butane candle lighter for s'mores.
So, got to thinking, and I blame a friend of mine for this (his initials stand for Josh Lockwood) that maybe, just maybe, my muse resents that I see her as a tu-tu wearing bear. I've known for a while she hates the name I've given her (Prima, as in ballerina)...so, I'm going on an image search to find the most accurate representation of how my muse views herself.
...Imagine the void filled with elevator muzak...
She's telling me she's classical in appearance, and that she likes the Hawaiian name "Kaleoaloha", which means "The Voice of Love." She likes this name because I write romance, and is willing to answer to "Kale"---pronounced "KAY-lee". Fine by me. As long as she's happy and comes home from her vacation in the Hawaiian Islands soon, I'm good.
Kale says this a good representation of what she looks like, and that I should just think of that whatever it is in her lap as a laptop. Heh.
I guess my muse didn't feel this was a very dignified or accurate depiction of her self-image. And she says that "Prima, the Dancing Bearlerina" is cute for a stuffed ballerina bear, but totally ridiculous for a Muse of her standing and breeding.
My apologies, Kaleoaloha. I'll never force you to look like this again.
Now then. Can we get back to the writing? Now that I've envisioned you correctly and given you a name you can live with? Please? Purty please with chocolate on top of the chocolate? Huh? Thank you.
Yours most humbly,
A writer who'd like to, yanno, WRITE something.
You blame me? What'd I do?
I'm innocent, I tell ya.
You talked about your muse on another blog: http://jeannieruesch.com/wordpress/?p=1927
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